Cancellation & Refund Policy

You can cancel your subscription anytime using any of the following methods.

Unsubscribe from the service menu a. Access the ‘My Account’ section from the service menu. b. Click on the Unsubscribe button and confirm the unsubscription.

Call us

EU & UK: +44 20 4578 0873
USA: +1 888 839 2045

E-mail us

Drop us an email at and we’ll process your request to cancel your subscription.

Please note that you will not be entitled to a refund for any partial-month subscription periods or unused services. If you cancel your subscription or trial membership, you will have access to the service till the end of the paid period. No fees will be charged after the end of this paid period.

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided, you may contact our Support for a refund. In such a case, we will investigate the situation and consider various factors such as complaints from other users or customers’ comments, data on how you used the service, etc. We will only refund the most recent payment within the subscription. Such a refund will result in the immediate cancellation of the subscription.

In case of any billing dispute, please contact us to attempt settlement before engaging any third party, credit card company, or bank. We will duly and promptly assess your complaint.